Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mad World

There is a mad woman! Literally, a mad woman who owns a shop next to work. I used to hear stories about her, this mad woman. How she deflates car tires if non-customers park in front her shop. I once made that mistake and she came storming into work demanding that the owner of that red vehicle parked outside her shop be gone or she will make it be gone. I gulped and grabbed my keys and ran to save Micah. And never again did I park in front of her shop…

Yesterday though, I was running late for work (as usual) and the entire street was jam packed with parked cars except for one place, in front of her shop. I hadn’t parked there in almost a year and she hadn’t yet opened her shop, so I decided to take the chance… And all day, I didn’t hear any complaints...

Then, when I was about to leave, I found three cars double parked in front of mine, making it completely impossible for me to get out unless all three cars moved. So, I held my breath and went into the shop to ask her to remove the cars. And then she came closer to me, with a shrewd look upon her face, “so this is YOUR car? She sneered at me. “Yup!” I said in an all too jolly tone, trying not to look scared of her. She was a midget after all. She nodded and turned back to the counter to serve some customers, making me wait. About five minutes later, she came back out and said sorry, with a sarcastic smile…

Two can play at this game, I thought, and after she removed her car, I let it out halfway and took out my cell phone for some meaningless jabber. I could see the bedazzled look on her face from my rearview mirror, watching me yap away instead of moving my car to let her park. I carried out an inconsiderate full two minute conversation and then I hung up and looked out the window and said sorry, with a sarcastic smile…

I’ve got to admit though, that was the first time I ever turned evil on someone. But I learned my lesson, never park in front of the mad woman’s shop again! Never ever!

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